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Returning to the Written Word From Hiatus

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I am currently in the process of writing multiple books. Unfortunately, it is far too much to do all at once. For example, when I wrote “The Red Myths”, I was focused only on that book and was not distracted by other creative work. As my hiatus drew to a close, I felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. Returning to the realm of writing after a period of introspection and exploration was akin to reuniting with an old friend, but one who had undergone significant changes in my absence. The blank page that once seemed daunting now beckoned with the promise of untold stories, fresh insights, and a newfound sense of purpose.

Armed with the perspective gained during my break, I approached writing with renewed vigor. The words that flowed from my fingers bore the traces of my experiences—the laughter shared with strangers, the serenity of a sunrise hike, the wisdom imparted by books outside my comfort zone. It was as if the hiatus had distilled life’s essence into my prose, infusing it with authenticity and depth.

The act of writing, which had once felt like a solitary endeavor, now resonated as a collaboration between my inner world and the myriad external influences I had embraced. The hiatus had reshaped the way I perceived my craft, transforming it from a mere conduit for thoughts into a dynamic conversation that spanned time, place, and emotion.

The Ripple Effect: Impact on Writing Process from Taking an Hiatus

Taking a break from writing didn’t just enhance the quality of my work; it revolutionized my writing process. I found myself more attuned to the rhythm of creation—a rhythm that was no longer dictated solely by deadlines or word counts, but by the ebb and flow of my own creative energy.

During my hiatus, I had discovered the power of incubation—the process by which ideas mature and evolve in the subconscious mind. This incubation period, often overlooked in the frenetic pace of writing, had become an integral part of my process. Ideas that had once felt half-formed now arrived on the page fully realized, as if they had been nurtured in the depths of my mind during my time of stillness.

Embracing Balance: Lessons Learned from Taking a Hiatus

The experience of taking a break to gain perspective taught me a crucial lesson—balance is the cornerstone of sustainable creativity. The ceaseless pursuit of productivity can lead to burnout, stagnation, and a hollowing out of the creative wellspring. Conversely, embracing stillness and stepping away from the written word can breathe life into our art, infusing it with the richness of experience and the depth of introspection.

I now recognize that taking breaks isn’t a sign of weakness or laziness; it’s a deliberate act of self-care and a commitment to the longevity of my creative journey. By finding equilibrium between writing and rest, I’ve unlocked a wellspring of inspiration that continues to surprise and delight me with its boundless offerings.

Final Thoughts

As writers, we wield words like brushstrokes on a canvas, crafting worlds, emotions, and universes with each stroke. Yet, to create a masterpiece, we must step back from the canvas, take a deep breath, and survey the whole. The act of taking a break from writing is an essential part of this process—an opportunity to gain perspective, nurture our creativity, and evolve as artists.

So, I encourage you, fellow writers, to consider embracing stillness in your journey. Take that hiatus, wander into uncharted experiences, and return to the written word with a heart brimming with new insights. Embrace the transformative power of perspective, and watch as your words transcend the page, resonating with the authentic depth that only a well-lived life can provide.

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Rebecca Lock
Rebecca Lock
7 months ago

I’m so glad you’re back to writing! I’ve been missing your posts.

Oliver Lucas
Oliver Lucas
7 months ago

I’m not sure why you took a break, but I’m glad you’re back..

Harper Mitchell
Harper Mitchell
7 months ago

I’m looking forward to reading your new work. I’m always interested in what you have to say.

Cooper Clark
Cooper Clark
7 months ago

I’m not sure why you’re making such a big deal about this. It’s just a blog post.

Violet Patel
Violet Patel
7 months ago

I’m sure your new work will be just as good as your old work.

Isabella Davis
Isabella Davis
7 months ago

I’m glad you’re back to writing, but I’m not sure why you’re talking about it like it’s a big deal.

Amelia Brady
Amelia Brady
7 months ago

I’m so glad you’re back! I’ve missed your writing.

Sophia Wilson
Sophia Wilson
7 months ago

I’m not sure why you took a break, but I’m glad you’re back. I’ve missed your posts.

Jackson Hernandez
Jackson Hernandez
7 months ago

I’m looking forward to reading your new work. I’m always interested in what you have to say.

Anthony Morales
Anthony Morales
7 months ago

I’m not sure why you’re making such a big deal about this. It’s just a blog post.

Olivia Jones
Olivia Jones
7 months ago

I’m sure your new work will be just as good as your old work.

Emily Harrison
Emily Harrison
7 months ago

I’m glad you’re back to writing, but I’m not sure why you’re talking about it like it’s a big deal.

Ava Green
Ava Green
7 months ago

I’m so glad you’re back! I’ve missed your writing.