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How I Write

When I first started writing, I never pre-plan how I would write my stories.  That writing style worked because it allowed the creative juice to flow.  Although I still prefer to be spontaneous, I incorporate some form of outline to help guide the story alone.  Also, I try to follow a process that help with removing distractions so I can work hassle free.


  • Clean Desk

    Clutter is a sign of dysfunction for some people, and I am one of those people.  Wherever I find myself writing, it has to be clean because I would focus on the work instead of the clutter.

  • Defined Working Times

    Writers must allot time to write, and it should be periods of interruptions.  Working early in the morning, between 4 am and 10 am, has worked for me.  Sometimes I would work late at night because at those times, the house was quiet, and everyone in the family was sleeping.

  • No Distractions

    Distractions can lead to unproductive.  When trying to make a writing deadline, writers should avoid places where they are distractions.  So going to a library or neighborhood cafe can help.

My Tools

My Most Important Tools

What you hate, you may grow to love.

Sachet Douglas

Main Working Principles

The Most Important Steps To Follow

Write A Lot

No matter where you are, keep writing. Ideas come fast and sometimes unexpectedly, so have your tools ready to jot down those ideas. Use MS Word or Google Docs on a phone phone, tablet or computer to get those ideas down.

Read A Lot

If you expect to grow as a writer you will have to start reading material that is similar to what you writing, and those that are different. Read for research and most importantly, reach for fun.

Think A Lot

When you get an idea for a story, first write it down, then workshop it with friends and family. It can lead to a variety of differents to take the story, but most importantly, it allows you to think of other places to take the story.